International Advisory Board

The University of Hildesheim and the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media in Lower Saxony, Germany, both house unique research centers, the Center for World Music (CWM) and the European Center for Jewish Music (EZJM), which – since October 2015 – started to work together on many levels. On 23./24. June 2016, both centers launched a joint international advisory board.

Through the establishment of an international advisory board, both institutions shall be recognized around the world as leading forums for innovative music research. To do so, we invited the expertise of recommended scholars in the field of Ethnomusicology and Jewish Music Studies.

International Advisory Board activities will for example include advising us on bigger research projects, spreading the word about the CWM and EZJM’s activities, encouraging other researchers to contribute research to one of or to both centers, and generally raising the centers’ visibility.


International Advisory Board Members

Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
(New University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Tina K. Ramnarine
(Royal Holloway University of London, UK)

Philip V. Bohlman
(University of Chicago, USA)

Dan Lundberg
(Stockholm University, Sweden)

Svanibor Pettan
(Ljubiljana, Slovenia)

Edwin Seroussi
(Hebrew University, Israel)

Denis Laborde
(EHESS Paris, France)

Sarah Ross

Raimund Vogels

Michael Fuhr
(CWM, University of Hildesheim)

Gesa Schönermark
(Stiftung Niedersachsen)

Elad Lapidot
(Universität Bern, Schweiz/Freie Universität Berlin)

Last modified: 2022-03-29

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