The EZJM at conferences
The EZJM at conferences and symposiums in 2023
- Information on conference participation in context of the DFG priority program "Jewish Cultural Heritage" can be found on
The EZJM at conferences and symposiums in 2022
- March 27-28, 2022:
26th Annual Conference of the Western Jewish Studies Association
University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus
Attending EZJM researcher: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross –
lecture on Jewish Musical Heritage in Germany after 1945: Between Individual Need and Socio-Political Necessity
The EZJM at conferences and symposiums in 2021
- November 18-19, 2021:
Jüdisches Leben in Sachsen-Anhalt. Kultur – Musik – Gelehrsamkeit
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Conference in Halle (Saale), organized by the Historical Commission for Saxony-Anhalt in cooperation with the European Center for Jewish Music, Hannover, and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Organization, participation and paper by Dr. Regina Randhofer:
Zwischen Tradition und Reform. Synagogale Musik in Sachsen-Anhalt im Zeitalter der Emanzipation
The EZJM at conferences and symposiums in 2019
- Erfurt/Rudolstadt, 6 – 8 November 2019:
International Conference "Ritual Objects in Ritual Contexts"
Attending EZJM Researcher: Martha Stellmacher –
lecture on Prayers for the Local Rulers from the Jewish Community in Rudolstadt - Hohenems/Innsbruck, 17 – 20 September 2019:
Annual Conference of AG Jüdische Sammlungen,
Attending EZJM Researcher: Dr. Susanne Borchers –
report on Neues aus dem Europäischen Zentrum für Jüdische Musik - La Cité de la Voix, Vézelay (France) / Iremus (Institut de recherche en musicologie), Paris, 13 – 15 September 2019:
International Conference "Sounding Jerusalem: Constructing and Representing an Iconic City through Vocal Music",
Attending EZJM researcher: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross –
lecture on Signifying Images of Jerusalem in the Siddur and their Vocal Interpretations - Moses-Mendelssohn-Akademie Halberstadt, 25 – 31 August 2019:
Sephardic Summer School/Universita sefaradi enverano
Attending EZJM researcher: Martha Stellmacher –
lectures on Jewish Music – An Introduction, Sephardic Music – Songs and Instruments - Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 14 – 15 July 2019:
Musica Judaic Conference "Jewish Music Between Oral and Written Traditions: The 19th Century in Context",
Attending EZJM researcher: Martha Stellmacher –
lecture on Boruch Sheomar and Tempelgesang: Collective liturgical singing in the Prague Jewish Community - University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, 11 – 12 July 2019:
International Symposium "Jewish Music in Southern Germany – History, Exile, Continuance",
Attending EZJM researcher: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross –
lecture on Contemporary Synagogue Music in Southern Germany – a Fieldwork Report - Sächsiche Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB), 20 –21 June 2019,
Abschlusstagung des Verbundprojekts "Virtuelle Archive für die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung": "Vielfalt vernetzen, Wissen teilen"
Attending EZJM researcher: Martha Stellmacher and Dr. Regina Randhofer - Klosterhotel Wöltingerode, 4 – 6 April 2019:
International and interdisciplinary conference of the Research Centre Music and Gender at HMTMH: "Cataloguing, Researching, and Conveying Women's Musical-Cultural Initiatives (1800 to 2000)",
Attending EZJM researcher: Dr. Susanne Borchers –
poster presentation: "When in Europe I naturally hope that we may meet" – Ein Blick auf die Frauennetzwerke Edith Gerson-Kiwis - University of Chicago, 10 – 11 March 2019:
Conference Halel v'Zimra. Jewish Liturgical Music, Present + Future,
Attending EZJM researcher: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross
The EZJM at conferences and symposiums in 2018
- Weimar, 19 – 20 October 2018:
Conference "Jewish Life in Germany and Europe after the Shoa"
Ettersberg Foundation
Attending EZJM researcher: Martha Stellmacher - Tabriz/Jolfa, 28 September – 1 October 2018:
Second Armenological Symposium, organized by Armenian Diocese of Atrpatakan-Azerbaijan, Tabriz – Iran
Attending EZJM researcher: Dr. Regina Randhofer –
lecture on Music between Exile and Nation: Komitas’s Period of Studies in Berlin (1896–1899) - Bamberg/Memmelsdorf (Lower Franconia), 4 – 7 September 2018:
Annual conference of AG Jüdische Sammlungen,
Attending EZJM researcher: Dr. Susanne Borchers - Cracow, 15 – 19 July 2018:
XI. Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies,
Attending EZJM tutor: Dr. Jean Goldenbaum –
lecture on The Contributions of Jewish Composers Alexandre Levy (1864–1892), Jacobo Ficher (1896–1987) and Leni Alexander (1924–2005) to the Latin-American Music Scene and Society
Attending EZJM researcher: Martha Stellmacher –
lecture on Searching for Original Tunes in Jewish Liturgical Music. The Orientation Towards Antiquity in Early 20th Century Musicological Discourses and Compositions
- Bonn, 1 – 3 March 2018:
International Symposium "Beethovens Vermächtnis". Mit Beethoven im Exil, Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Attending EZJM researcher: Dr. Susanne Borchers –
lecture on "Sehr un-Beethovenianisch erzogen" – Edith Gerson-Kiwi und die Anfänge der Musikwissenschaft in Palästina und Israel
- London, 14 – 16 January 2018:
Conference "The Future of the Archive",
(as part of the project "Performing the Jewish Archive")
Attending EZJM researchers: Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross, Dr. Miranda Crowdus, Samuel Mund and Martha Stellmacher – panel on Jewish music, cultural revival, and the archive: Towards a sustainable future
Dr. Miranda Crowdus –
lecture on From archive to practice: Ethics, challenges, and emergent ontologies in Jewish music revival(s)
Martha Stellmacher –
lecture on 'Worthless' items and the archive: Challenges and strategies for bringing (back) Jewish music-objects from the archive to the repertoire
Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross and Samuel Mund –
lecture on Jewish liturgical music database: Applying the concept of cultural sustainability in Jewish music studies
Last modified: 2023-08-02
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