
The Library

The Library at the European Centre for Jewish Music was established in 2012. In addition to its main topic, Jewish music, the library holds literature on related areas of research such as music ethnology, general music history and Jewish history and culture. Some of the items the EZJM library accommodates include the “Andor Izsák Collection” with bequests from the “Edith Gerson-Kiwi Estate” and the “Chief Cantor Nathan Saretzki Collection”.

From 2012 to July 2023, the library was located at Villa Seligmann. In the summer of 2023 it moved to the new location of HMTMH's libraries in Leisewitzstraße 39, room "Judaica".

The library of the European Centre for Jewish Music carries out its mission and performs the tasks assigned to it by

  • saving and preserving the library stock
  • supplementing and extending the collections
  • cataloguing the library holdings and making them available for users
  • reproducing and providing own items
  • giving advice and answering inquiries on the basis of its stock and information tools
  • doing public relations work

The library forms part of the library of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. Visitors are invited to use the library according to the regulations of the library of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. Most of the media are for use in the library rooms but may be borrowed with certain restrictions.

Access to the catalogue of the library of HMTMH:

Research on Jewish music

If you are looking for information on Jewish music or if you want to search libraries and digitized collections, please click here for a list of links.

Insights into the library stock

You may gain some insights into our library stock by visiting the following sites (in German):



Library of the HMTMH
Leisewitzstraße 39
Room 1.105 (Judaica)
30175 Hannover

Person to contact

Barbara Burghardt
T. +49-(0)511-3100-7123
E-mail: Barbara Burghardt

The library room "Judaica"

Last modified: 2024-12-17

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