Welcome to the research institute European Centre for Jewish Music
  • Jewish Music Studies

    Each winter semester the focus subject entitled “Jewish Music Studies” as part of the Master’s programme “Music Research and Music Education” starts at the HMTMH.

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  • New release

    Sarah M. Ross: The Moralization of Jewish Heritage in Germany. Sustaining Jewish Life in the Twenty-First Century (September 2024).

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  • Jewish Cultural Heritage

    The aim of the DFG priority program "Jewish Cultural Heritage" is to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.

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  • International Conference in Bonn

    "Jewish Cultural Heritage in Light of Critical Heritage Studies": International Conference of the DFG Priority Program on “Jewish Cultural Heritage” (SPP 2357), March 3 - 6, 2025.

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Main office of the EZJM
T. +49-(0)511-3100-7121
E-Mail: EZJM

General information

The European Centre for Jewish Music (EZJM) is located at the Villa Seligmann (Hohenzollernstraße 39, 30161 Hannover), a 10-minute walk from the main building of HMTMH (Neues Haus 1).

The EZJM library can be found at the new site of HMTMH's libraries at Leisewitzstraße 39, room "Judaica".

For further information on Jewish music please check our list of links.

Flyer Jewish Music Studies (2020)